Joshua Test Page

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Joshua was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Born, raised, and now works in this beautiful city and will probably never leave, unless he gets old and moves to a small town in Nebraska where a lot of his family lives. Joshua attended Palmer High School and went to the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) where he went on to get his bachelors degree in Marketing. Joshua is also learning a lot from his trainer Doug at SocialSEO.

Joshua’s main hobbies are fishing, golf, and in general just being at home watching some good television. Although, Joshua loves to golf and fishing it tends to be some of the most frustrating things in his life. This is because he typically gets his line tangled while fishing or miss hits a golf shot, but in the end it is still two of his favorite hobbies. His favorite tv shows include Friends, New Girl, Game of Thrones, and many more. Friends has always just been one of those comfort shows to him. New Girl is becoming one of his favorite tv shows to watch though, might be taking over the new number one spot. And for Game of Thrones this show was just one of the best story telling, captivating, and edge of your seat shows that he has enjoyed, well until the final season.  Joshua is also a fan of the dark side in Star Wars.

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Go Big Red

Joshua is also a huge sports fan. No matter the sport he typically is watching it one way or another. Being from Colorado some of his favorite teams include the Denver Broncos, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rockies, Colorado Avalanche, and the Colorado Rapids. Joshua does tend to keep track and watch all of these teams he definitely has a passion for the Nebraska Cornhuskers. This team holds a special place in his heart and will always be watching the game.